EZ Series Online Analyzers
Category: Water Analysis
Sub Category: Process/Inline Analysis
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EZ Series Online Analyzers

The Hach® EZ Series covers a unique range of parameters on a single analyzer platform. Five measurement technologies (colorimetry, titration, ion-selective electrode, voltammetry, and chemiluminescence) allow for a wide selection of measuring ranges and applications.

All instruments come in the same rugged mainframe with a compact footprint. Their common user interface on industrial panel PCs is easy to use and keeps training efforts low. Administrator access and activated/deactivated menu keys provide security. Various analog and digital communication outputs support easy integration into your systems. Discontinuous analysis at programmable intervals assures low reagent consumption and eliminates cross-contamination.

EZ Series analyzers share wear and spare parts thus requesting less inventory. Similar maintenance steps again bring down training efforts. Optional Hach service agreements protect your investment and help ensure compliance.

All relevant parameter groups in water analysis are covered by the EZ Series:
Nutrients, Organics, Inorganics, Metals / Trace Metals

Select your parameter.


  • Wide Analytical Range
  • Faster Decisions
  • Flexibility
  • Powerful Sample Preconditioning
  • One Platform – Multiple Technologies:
  1. Colorimetry
  2. Ion-selective electrode (ISE)
  3. Single and multi-parameter titration
  4. Voltammetry
  5. Chemiluminescence or respirometry


EZ Series parameters cover the complete water cycle from water intake to wastewater effluent. Learn more by downloading application notes and parameter specific documents from the Hach® Support Page. Some examples: 

  • Iron and Manganese in raw water
  • Microbial Activity / ATP in industrial and environmental applications
  • Volatile Fatty Acids and Alkalinity in anaerobic digesters
  • Alkalinity and Hardness in cooling cycles
  • Aluminum in drinking water