Salt In Crude Analyzer
Category: Fuels and Oil Analysis
Sub Category: Others
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The Seta Salt-in-Crude Analyzer is a robust and portable instrument for determining the chloride (salt) content of crude oils in full conformity to ASTM D3230, IP 265 and equivalent test methods.

The Analyzer is pre-calibrated and automatically displays salt concentration measurements in g/m3 or lbs/1000bbl (pounds per thousand barrels), this avoids the need to mix salt calibration standards and makes testing a simple and fast procedure.

3 test modes:

ASTM/PRECAL - pre-calibrated for use in conformity to ASTM D3230

ASTM USER- allows user calibration of ASTM values (ie: display values can be verified and/or recalibrated by the user against salt solutions of known conductivity)

IP USER - allows user calibration according to IP 265 values Measurements can be displayed or exported to a PC or to LIMS network. The instrument is suitable for bench top or hand-held operation and operates from battery or mains voltage

Key advantages

  • Salt concentration values displayed automatically
  • No need for mixing of salt standards
  • Pre-calibrated for immediate use as per ASTM D3230
  • User calibration modes allow verification against user standards
  • Typical test time of less than 30 seconds
  • Moisture proof membrane touch panel with large keys
  • Fully portable, all items contained in aluminum carry case
  • Supplied with beaker and sensor support stands
  • Interchangeable plug-in sensor
  • Battery or mains power supply


The presence of salts (chlorides) in crude oil provides a serious problem to drilling, pumping and refining processes, it is also of concern during transport. Excessive salt levels may cause corrosion problems and clogging of pipelines, refining and catalytic processes.

• Refineries

• Pipelines

• Terminals 

• Laboratories

• Inspection Companies

• Oil platforms

SaltCheck Verification Kit:

The kit is designed to quickly verify the results displayed on the Analyser. It contains a set of 3 ‘SaltCheck’ verification modules supplied in a convenient storage case. The modules are calibrated to show equivalent salt values of:

• 0 g/m3

 • 30 g/m3 

• 190 g/m3

Instrument verification is easy - simply plug the sensor assembly into each module to verify display readings.

Saltcheck is supplied with a certificate of verification.


Salt in Crude Analyser


SaltCheck’ verification tool


Power supply


Stands (pair for beaker and sensor assembly)


Beaker (pack 10)


Temperature probe and cable


Replacement probe and sensor


Instrument bench stand
